House of Praise International Church

Partnership is a covenant relationship between people who support one another in achievement of a common goal.


A Partner is someone who is committed to this ministry and shares its vision. According to Ephesians 4:16 and 1 Thessalonians 3:1-3, together we make up the body of Christ and should therefore support one another. As your partner, HOPIC wants to help you fulfull the will of God for your life. That is what partners do to help maximize each other’s strengths.


Furthermore, as you sow toward the manifestation of HOPIC’s vision, expect the manifestation of God’s vision for your life! Each of us possesses a supply of the anointing empowerment to prosper. Through partnership, we all play a significant role in building the kingdom of God on the foundation of God’s love.


What partnership is Not

Partnership with HOPIC is not a one-sided relationship. Instead, partnership is a mutual exchange of faithfulness. There is no dollar amount required to become a partner. We do, however, encourage you to pray for us daily and give regularly. Partnering with this ministry should be considered prayerfully and done as an act of love for people and in obedience to God.


HOPIC’s Vision

Simply put, our vision is to be a ministry of Love, Prayer and Faith.